Ich bin ein Berliner!

Well, as most of you imagined, I had no reason at to be nervous. 

Last night was one of the most fun nights I have had. The hotel staff was absolutely wonderful, as was the taxi drivers and the club staff.

I was treated royally at the burlesque show and we ended up seated next to a group of young german girls there for a bachelorette party, abet without the bride! She apparently started a bit soon and remained at the hotel sleeping it off.

I sat next to a beautiful girl from Nuremburg, who translated almost the entire show for me. There were parts in English and I joked with her about me translating for her. Her english was better than mine. She gave us her number and told us to call her when we get to Nuremberg. Alas, she will not be there on the days we will, but I know it would have been fun.

I look forward to seeing how much fun Munich will be.
